Monday, March 19, 2007

Ray Rose - Digital Divide

PODCAST Ray Rose is a friend of the Thornburg Center who has been active in education for many years and, as this interview shows, has many powerful insights on the true nature of the digital divide, and the proper use of technology by children in support of helping them develop the capacity to be better thinkers in a world of snap judgements and sound-byte journalism. He also is active in the online learning movement. He can be reached at

Hugh Peebles - Creative Use of Computers

PODCAST In this interview in September, 2006 we catch up with Hugh Peebles, and old friend now living in Scotland. Hugh has been involved with the creative use of computers in education for well over twenty years, and has now returned to his ancestral home in Peebles where he continues his work with children around video and art. Like many expatriates, Hugh has a broader perspective of the US role in the world than some who have neither lived nor worked outside our borders. Hugh can be contacted at, and one of the projects he is working on, Pathways, can be explored here.

Dr. Leigh Zeitz - Graphic Organizers, Keyboarding & Podcasting

PODCAST Leigh Zeitz has many interests, and he shared a few of them with us in this interview in September, 2006. He also maintains several online resources for educators on electronic graphic organizers, keyboarding, and podcasting. He also maintains a personal website. For more information on Leigh's presentations and workshops, visit the Thornburg Center's main site.

Ferdi Serim - Online Education

PODCASTS Ferdi Serim has long been interested in online education, and his August interview explores his views on thsit timely and important topic. For more information on Ferdi's presentations and workshops, visit the Thornburg Center's main site.

Vic Sutton - Global Citizen

PODCAST After our conversation with Bonnie, we talked with Vic Sutton who embodies the concept of "global citizen" better than most. As a documentary film maker, Vic has spent time all over the world, and has powerful insights on digital equity from a global perspective.

Vic Sutton - Global Citizen

PODCAST After our conversation with Bonnie, we talked with Vic Sutton who embodies the concept of "global citizen" better than most. As a documentary film maker, Vic has spent time all over the world, and has powerful insights on digital equity from a global perspective.

Bonnie Bracey Sutton - Supercomputing & Education

PODCAST On August 17 we were able to spend time talking with Bonnie Bracey Sutton about supercomputing and education - a topic whose time is coming! Bonnie's global perspective and her focus on gender equity and science education insures that she is always an interesting guest to have on this series! Bonnie edited a book for the United Nations on information technology for education, which can be downloaded as a pdf file for free here. For more information on Bonnie's presentations and workshops, visit the Thornburg Center's main site.

Gary Stager - 1-to-1 Computer Initiative

PODCAST We were able to chat with Gary Stager on August 15, 2006, as he was unpacking from one trip and packing for another! Gary shares his perspective on computers as tools with which children can build creations of their own by learning how to program. He also talks a bit about the one-to-one movement he has done so much to promote here in the United States. For more information on Gary's presentations and workshops, visit the Thornburg Center's main site.

Sara Armstrong - Digital Storytelling et al

PODCAST Monday, August 14, 2006, Sara Armstrong chatted with David Thornburg, sharing her views on the powerful role of narrative in education, and in our lives. She finishes with a delightful story! Here are some resources mentioned by Sara in her interview: the Center for Digital Storytelling:, the My Hero Project:, ThinkQuest:, and Global SchoolNet Foundation:, and GSN's CyberFair contest: For more information on Dr. Armstrong's presentations and workshops, visit the Thornburg Center's main site.

Dr. Lynell Burmark - Visual Literacy

PODCAST Sunday, August 13, 2006, David was able to interview Dr. Lynell Burmark to explore the origins and depth of her interest in visual literacy across the curriculum. Lynell's latest e-book on visual literacy can be found here. For more information on Dr. Burmark's presentations and workshops, visit the Thornburg Center's main site.

Steve Hargadon and Miguel Guhlin on Open Source

PODCAST On Thursday, July 27, 2006, Steve Hargadon and Miguel Guhlin had the chance to chat with Dr. David Thornburg on the topic of open source software and Linux on the student desktop. David's presentations and workshops can be found on the Thornburg Center's main site. His new book on open source software for education can be found here.